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Peg Willman, Founder / Apostle / Teacher

I accepted Christ as my savior at the age of 9. One year later through a series of events my mother entered into a 7+ year journey into the Occult. While I was in high school my mother accepted Christ as her savior and started on her journey with the Lord. 

We then attended a Baptist Church until I entered college. I graduated from Grace College with a Bachelor's degree in Physical Education in 1979. I then entered the teaching field in 1983-4 working for Warsaw Community Schools taking an early retirement in 2005, after teaching for 21 years. During my teaching career I did complete my Master's in Secondary Education from Indiana University in 1989.

I made a full rededication to be a Christ follower in 1981 and I have never looked back. Lots of rough roads, much inner healing, and to this day I continue to seek after Jesus Christ as I have stayed the Course.

Before I entered full time ministry the Lord showed me there were changes coming and a new direction was being set in motion. This new direction was not what I had planned, but as time moved forward it became very obvious that I must lay down what I wanted and move in His direction. So the process took 7 years to complete. Not the easiest 7 years but looking back they were necessary to prepare me for this giant step of faith. And a giant step it was, to lay everything down and follow Him. Not knowing how I would pay my bills, eat, etc. But He was faithful and continues to take care of everything, meeting every need.

So I left teaching in the fall of 2005, and founded Treasures for the Heart Ministries. We were Incorporated in 2006, my Ordination followed in 2006 and our 501c(3) was secured in 2007. This ministry is governed by a board of directors as well as an advisory board. 

About Treasures

Treasures for the Heart Ministries is a faith based not-for-profit organization. We do not charge for service, but trust the Lord to meet all of our needs. Which He has done for over the 17 years I have been in full time ministry.  The ministry is founded on 3 verses in Isaiah 45:1-3 KJV

"Thus saith the Lord to his anointed, to Cyrus,

whose right hand I have holden,

to subdue nations before him;

and I will loose the loins of kings,

to open before him the two leaved gates;

and the gates shall not be shut;

2 I will go before thee,

and make the crooked places straight:

I will break in pieces the gates of brass,

and cut in sunder the bars of iron:

3 And I will give thee the treasures of darkness,

and hidden riches of secret places,

that thou mayest know that I, the Lord,

which call thee by thy name, am the God of Israel."

Treasures for the Heart Ministries is a training and equipping ministry providing a number of services to help the believer to walk in the Freedom Christ died for them to have. With the goal of preparing fully functioning, healthy, balanced Son of God.... Working in their gifts to further the work of the Kingdom of God.

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Statement of Faith

We believe:

  • In one God existing in three persons; namely, the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.

  • That Jesus is the only begotten Son of the Father, conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. 

  • That Jesus was crucified, buried and raised from the dead.

  • That He ascended to heaven and is today seated at the right hand of the Father.

  • That Jesus is making intercession for believers as His position of authority and our Priest.

  • That all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God. 

  • In the observance of the Lord's Supper and the elements of bread and wine from the true vine. 

  • In following the teachings of scripture in leading a Holy life, by the grace of God and the power of the Holy Spirit.  

  • That repentance is commanded by God for all and necessary for the forgiveness of sins.

  • That justification, regeneration and the new birth happen by faith in the blood of Jesus Christ.

  • In water baptism by immersion.

  • In the nine fruits of the spirit and the nine gifts as taught in the New Testament and that healing is provided for all through the suffering of Jesus Christ.

  • In the pre-millennial second coming of Jesus. First, to resurrect the dead and then rapture the living saints to meet Him in the air. Second, to reign on earth for a thousands years. 

  • In the bodily resurrection; eternal life for the righteous, and eternal punishment for the wicked. 

  • Marriage as indicated in the scriptures is the sacred union between one man and one woman. - Treasures for the Heart Ministries updated 2016



=Testimony, everyone has a story to tell or share
=Restored, back to the source and in right standing with the Creator
=Equipped for service, to bring truth to others
=Application of knowledge, for use in helping others reach their full potential
=Scriptures, bases of all truth used by this ministry for healing
=Unique individuals (hidden treasures)
=Rescued and Redeemed
=Empowered, with truth
=Spiritual Gifts, building the Kingdom of God 

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