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Treasures for the Heart Ministries
November 2023

*****Please note the monthly newsletter will no longer be sent out by e-mail as of January 2024. We can send the newsletter snail mail, but need you to provide a current mailing address. We will also post the monthly newsletter on my personal as well as the ministry Facebook page. And on our website:

Thoughts from this scribe:

There is a difference between the anointing and the Glory. The anointing comes for reason and a season, to empower a person to complete an assignment from the Lord. The Glory is the manifest presence of the Lord. As the body of Christ we are conditioned to think in terms of only what we have experienced or a particular denominational stance. But as I read and study the Word of God I’m seeing and learning there is ‘way more’ to the things of the Lord then we have been taught or experienced.

There are levels of God’s presence. In the first level He is omnipresence, meaning He is everywhere all the time. Then there is God’s indwelling presence, as when He comes into our heart when we accept Him as our Savior. The third level is His manifest presence, which is His Glory. And lastly there is His dwelling presence, which scripture calls the “Shekinah Glory.” Shekinah is a Hebrew word meaning ‘a neighbor.’ This is the Glory cloud that was seen and stayed with the Israelites on their 40 year journey across the desert. A night and day cloud, covering in the day from the hot sun and covering at night for warmth.

When the glory comes Jesus is experienced in greater fullness, which can vary week to week in a church service. But this is the anointing and not always the glory.

There seems to be a number of supernatural things that happen when the Glory is present. What’s interesting is the scriptural objects that carried the glory. Elisha’s bones raised a man from the dead. Paul’s handkerchiefs provided healing, Samson’s jawbone as a weapon for battle, David’s sling shot took down a giant. Moses rod turned into a snake which ate other snakes, turned water to blood and parted the Red Sea. Peter’s shadow brought healing. Jesus used mud on a man’s eyes for healing, and he spoke to Lazarus who rose from the dead.

I don’t claim to totally understand all of these supernatural events, but I do believe because these events are in scripture, they are therefore important. And this leads me to believe there is a lot more to the God we serve and higher levels of understanding and experience in the glory of God.

I personally have seen the glory cloud several times during worship services. I have experienced the weightiness of His presence when it was difficult to remain standing. One time during a worship service I experienced what they call the glory dust. Have no idea how to explain it, but whatever it was remained on my clothing for several days, before fading away.

All of these experiences occurred over the 40+ years I have been running after the Lord. I have never sought the signs and wonders, just Jesus. I have experienced supernatural events that normally don’t happen in most church services. My point, when a revival or the glory comes, there are a number of signs and wonders that might manifest that we are not a custom too. Moses tells us in Exodus 28 the Lord wants to be with His people and how to build a sanctuary for His presence.

Since September I have been teaching a series called, “Glory Carriers” for our Sunday service group. I have been addressing the “KEYS’ for each believer to be a glory carrier. Christians need to understand that we as born-again believers are totally designed to carry His glory.

In Genesis we read that Adam and Eve were clothed in glory and the Lord visited in the cool of the day to meet and talk with Adam. After Adam and Eve sinned the glory left them and they needed to be covered with animal skins. After Jesus came and provided a way for us to be restored back to the Father, we now have the ability to be glory carriers again.

Christians have not been taught about the glory, the conditions for carrying the glory and maintaining the glory. Here are the conditions for being a glory carrier.

1. Humble ourselves before the Lord. When we humble ourselves we have God’s grace to empower us to live, move and breathe as a Christian.

2. We must allow the Lord to do a continual purification process in our heart. Allowing him to clean, heal, and restore our hearts. Which requires a daily surrender and humbling process.

3. The next “KEY” is becoming holy. Scripture tells us we are to become holy because He is holy. Holiness is NOT an outward work, but an inward work in our heart and developing our character. Holiness in the Hebrew is the word ‘uncommon’ and where we honor the Lord as well as others.

4. Glory is the end product of following the KEYS and allowing Him to do the work.

There are several rewards for seeking the Lord and allowing Him to complete the transformation process. He will hear our prayers, forgive our sins, and He will heal our ‘land.’ That means our total being, not necessarily the land we live on.

What-Not Section:

*Most people do not know that the Hawaiian Islands are the world’s tallest mountain range from the base to the summit. The tallest is Kauai.

*The 12 tribes, sons of Jacob, are listed in the Old Testament. All 12 of the tribes were living in the land of Israel 1700 years BEFORE Muhammad invented Islam. The only other people living in Israel at that time were the Philistines, who are the modern day Palestinian’s, who currently live in Gaza.

*Jewish history indicates a man named Gad was married to Orpfa, they lived in Gaza and were the parents of Goliath and his 4 brothers. This same Goliath, we are told in scripture, David took down with a stone and a slingshot. After some study about the name of Goliath and his 4 brothers, it seems the meaning of their names is the same evil displayed today by the Palestinian’s. Goliath means exile and one who strips, another brother’s name means rapist, another means cannibal, and the last one means destruction. The same demonic spirit’s acting out their true behavior in our present day.

*Recently a massive skeleton of a giant was found in a cave in Thai. More evidence there were giants on the earth. Funny that is what the Bible tells us!

Prayer concerns:

*America is closely connected to Israel and it is wisdom as well as stated in scripture to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

*Ohio has now set the next precedent for the abortion issue. Making it a State constructional item, therefore it can never be changed. There is a pattern of how Ohio goes so goes the nation.

*Prayer for the church to rise up and occupy until He comes as we are instructed. *Pray for workers, the scripture is clear there is a need for workers, not pew sitters!

Pray for the Supreme Court…sensing they will come under great pressure to move with the narrative being pushed.

Happy Thanksgiving!


In His Grip!


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