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Treasures for the Heart Ministries
October 2022

Thoughts from this scribe:

Sitting here on this unusually COLD and dreary day pondering how fast time is moving and how fast events are unfolding in this country. So glad to personally know the King of Kings….and my place in heaven regardless of what happens. Hold on it’s getting exciting, scary wonderful, as my friend Detrick says. We read of Bible characters who saw the times we live in and wanted to see for themselves what we are living. Don’t sit still having a rapture ready mentality, get on the front lines, let the Lord direct your steps, get out of the boat, etc. Time is short and there is much work to be done for the Kingdom.

Things will continue to get harder and unbelievable, but be ready physically, financially, & spiritually, as the Lord promises to cover and take care of His children. DO NOT FEAR! Stand tall in His strength, knowledgeable in His Word, ready to pray, fast, present the gospel, walk in His ways, His truth, and watch the salvation of the Lord.

We just completed our yearly Men’s Conference….what a powerful move of God! This conference was called, “Watchman on the Wall.” Some major points from both of our speakers included….returning to the passion and joy we once had, accurate words, balanced teaching, increase in supply for what is coming, strategies will be given, increase and favor, how we need to host His presence FIRST, deeper intimacy, greater wisdom, speaking truth and the Word of God into situations, and waves of power and a mighty move of His spirit. That is good stuff to ponder over this next season.

Teaching for the Month:

“Do not grieve the Holy Spirit” Rick Renner

Many years ago, when I first studied the word “grieve” in Ephesians 4:30, I ran to my bookshelves and pulled out my Greek New Testament to discover exactly what the word “grieve” meant. I found this word was taken from the Greek word lupete. This surprised me, because the word lupete is from the word lupe, which denotes a pain or grief that can only be experienced between two people who deeply love each other.

This word lupe would normally be a picture of a husband or wife who has discovered his or her mate has been unfaithful. As a result of this unfaithfulness, the betrayed spouse is shocked, devastated, hurt, wounded, and grieved because the pain that accompanies unfaithfulness.

This tells us, first of all, that the relationship that exists between us and the Holy Spirit is precious! The Holy Spirit is deeply in love with us. Just as someone in love thinks about, dreams of, and cherishes the one he loves, the Holy Spirit longs for us, thinks about us, desires to be close to us, and wants to reveal Himself to us.

But when we act like the world, talk like the world, behave like the world, and respond the same way the world does, we cause the Spirit of God to feel shock, hurt, and grief. You see, when we deliberately do what is wrong, we drag Him right into the mire of sin with us, because He lives in us, and goes wherever we go.

We need to realize how precious the Holy Spirit is in our lives, and honor Him by making sure we live holy and upright lives. Be purposeful in maintaining a clean heart and in constant fellowship with the Holy Spirit……never causing Him to grieve over us.

The What-not section:

*John the Baptist modeled the attitude that all believers should follow as we point others to Jesus. We may be serving Christ in a way that is very powerful and beneficial to many people, but ultimately Jesus is greater than anything we are doing. The time may come for us to allow our ministry to be overshadowed or even replaced by other things Jesus is doing, and we should imitate John’s example and willingly allow that to happen. (“101 People of the Bible you should know”)

*It seems that Marion Morrison, better known as John Wayne was friends with Wyatt Earp and Bat Masterson, a Dodge City Sheriff, who’s one time deputy, got his fame from the shootout at the OK corral. In real life Wyatt Earp moved on to Hollywood after leaving Alaska, spent a number of years in showbiz, where he became friends with John Wayne. John Wayne indicated he modeled being a cowboy in all of his westerns, from the true life examples of both Earp and Masterson.

*Researcher/Biologist Alexander Fleming was unwilling to clean up the cultures he was working with until he was sure they were of no additional use. Because he failed to be on top of cleaning his lab, he accidently discovered Penicillin, an antibiotic that is still widely used today.

*In Exodus chapter 5 we read that Pharaoh declared the Israelites were to maintain their daily brick count, but they would have to find their own stubble to complete the bricks. Many believe this story really never happened. Recent archeological evidence in Egypt, shows layers of bricks, from this time period, made with stubble. The Israelites made bricks for the construction of warehouses, buildings and roads.

Thought for the Month:

“Loose the Cape” some thoughts from Bob Goff

Matthew 6:3-4

“One of my favorite movie moments is a scene from the Pixar film The Incredibles. It’s the part where the superhero dad is trying to get a new uniform, and he’s really into having a cape as part of the design. His quirky designer gives him example after example of other superheroes who chose style over function…with catastrophic results. “No capes” she tells him. I think Jesus agrees. Not seeking attention gets God’s attention.

Anytime Jesus did something miraculous, He would follow it up by saying to the people nearby, “Tell no one.” Doesn’t that sound counterproductive if you’re starting a movement? Jesus was introducing us to another way to change the world…one that doesn’t require any marketing taglines, self-promotion, or capes. He wanted to show us that all those things meant to draw attention to ourselves can actually trip us up.

God always seems more interested in working through those who don’t need any affirmation outside His. Perhaps it’s because He wants us to point people toward Him, not ourselves. Being secretly incredible means you’ve found a way to be awesome without spinning up a ton of unnecessary attention for yourself. You just do awesome things and are content in knowing God sees what you’ve done.

The most interesting people I’ve met are the ones not trying to look interesting. We don’t have to impress to earn the right to be on God’s team. He wants your attention. He’s not impressed with your activities. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus and just be awesome. No capes needed.”

Pray for your Pastor or the leadership where you fellowship

Make sure you vote in the Mid-terms.

Be a light in the approaching darkness.

Develop a deeper intimacy, we all will need this closer relationship in the coming days.

May the Lord bless you, and keep you, may His face shine upon you and be gracious unto you…Shalom!

Until next month



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