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Treasures for the Heart Ministries
May 2024 Newsletter

This month I felt led to address the topic of false prophets and false apostles. The Bible has a lot to say about those who are in leadership who have hidden agendas. I will address what is a false prophet and a false apostle, according to the Bible. The Apostle Paul addressed this issue and gave the church key things to watch for in their leaders. In several places he even names 7 different individuals who were teaching false doctrine and in the “church game” only for themselves. I will also list those things scripture tells us to watch for. And there is always the need to have good/strong discernment from the Holy Spirit. (Test EVERY spirit to see if it is from God)

First, let’s start with what is a Prophet and an Apostle. I personally believe that there are still Prophets and Apostles today. But, I see so much unhealthiness within the church, in this area promoting a lot of confusion. Also, there are groups and denominations who teach what’s called “Cessationism.” Cessationism is the belief that after the Apostle John passed away there was no longer the need for signs, wonders, Prophets and Apostles, because we now have the Holy Spirit.
There is nothing directly in scripture (proof text) that says signs, wonders, Prophets and Apostles stopped after John the Apostle died. Most quote 1 Corinthians 13:10 as their “go to” verse. But, if we read verses 8-13, in context, Paul is addressing the church about love. Yes, there are things that will fade away, and we will only know in part….until perfection comes. Verse 12 says, “For now we see through a glass dimly, but then, face to face. NOW I know in part, but then I shall know, even as I also am known.” At this point in history John has passed on and Christ has already resurrected…..Paul is leaving instructions for the body of Christ, for today. It’s not good Doctrine to base an entire teaching on one verse, when there are many verses and specific instruction given in several epistles, written on judging and watching the character of those claiming to be Prophets and Apostles (Those in leadership). It stands to reason that if Paul was addressing and correcting these issues in the church, then they are still applicable for us today. If he is addressing the ones who are false then it stands to reason there are real Prophets and Apostles (False teachers/leaders).
The Biblical definition for a Prophet is one who foretells or speaks for the Lord. There are many examples in the Old Testament of Prophets, true prophets as well as false ones, speaking for the Lord. The New Testament does speak of Prophets and even names a few; such as Agabus & John. In Revelation it speaks of the false Prophet, who will be part of the false trinity, during the tribulation. The Bible does have many Apostles listed, who they were and where they took the Gospel.
The Biblical definition of an Apostle is a “sent one.” Based on these two definitions we could say every born again believers is one who speaks for God and is a sent one. If you are filled with the Holy Spirit when you are connected to the one “pure” and “true” source who can guide and direct your life, the Holy Spirit.
There are over 32 different verses addressing false prophets and false apostles in scripture. Jesus tells us in Matthew 7:15-16, “Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruit.” And again in Matthew 24:24-25 Jesus tells us, “For false messiah’s and false prophets will arise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. Listen, I have told you beforehand.” So what should we need to be looking for to identify those who are false prophets and false apostles, based on the scripture?
There are a number of letters (Epistles) to the churches where we can gleam insight into what we need to be watching for. (Matthew, Romans, 2 Peter, 1 Tim., 2 Cor., 1 John, Acts, 2 Tim.)
They are gifted communicators, but poor expositors. 1 Tim. 3:2
They love large crowds rather than deep growth in people. John 12:18-29
Hate to be rebuked or disciplined Matthew 15:12-14
Love money 2 Cor. 2:17, Titus 1:7 and 1 Tim 3:3
Hide problems in their personal life 1 Tim 3:4
Adored by followers, despised by “outsiders.” 1 Tim. 3:7 and John 17:20-21
Pride fuels them 1 Tim 3:6
They twists scripture for their own means 2 Tim. 3:5, and 1 Tim. 4:12
Avoid strong elders or church accountability 1 Tim. 1:5, Acts 14:23
Live different life styles, one in the pulpit and one behind closed doors Matt. 5:19-20 and 1 Tim 4:12
Always pointing to what they did in the past and past successes. Phil. 1:15-18 and Matthew 7:22-23
Preach the same message over and over again. Or focus only on one subject or doctrine. This can produce an “out of balance” body of believers.
Surround themselves with weak people…sometimes “Yes” people.
Seek only to “please God” in return for blessings and success. Their heart is not to please the Lord, but what can I get out of this to look good or important. Acts 8:18, 1 Cor. 3:5-7, 1 Cor. 4:6-7, Acts 8:118-23
Desire to be worshipped 2 Tim. 4:1-5
Romans 16:18 tells us they are “Smooth talkers who use flattery to serve themselves.”
2 Peter 2:1 Leaders who introduce destructive heresies, denying the sovereign Lord and bring swift destruction to themselves.
There is a great need for the body of Christ to know the scriptures and develop good discernment from the Holy Spirit. Then the above characteristics will be an additional check system, to determine if someone is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Many are being deceived, calling the things of God, the works of satan and the things of satan, the works of God, because they do not have discernment. People are following a leader or certain doctrine instead of Jesus Christ and His word. In John 1:1 we are told that Jesus and the Word are one. As believers we are responsible to know Him personally, as well as knowing the truths of the Word of God.
Even if you believe in Cessationism, you must understand there are still false Prophets and false Apostles working to mislead and misdirect the believers to worship them instead of worshipping the Lord Jesus Christ. Check the list above to see, if where you are connected, if things are off or out of balance. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you if there are things being covered up.
I personally have received a number of prophetic words during the last 40+years I have been walking with the Lord (about 6-7 words)….that have been right on the money. They were things I had been asking the Lord about and did come to pass after the word was given. I have also received several words (2-3 words) that were not accurate, and not from the Lord. I needed to discern both to know what was of Him and what was of the flesh (false) or from a different spirit, not the Holy Spirit.

Food for thought!
Seek Him and His gift of discernment, to keep you in a better, healthy and balanced place. This is the Holy Spirits job in the age we live in. He and the Word are one.
In His Grip!

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